Biblical Prophet Definition – Dive into Scripture

Have you ever wondered what a prophet is and what their role is in the Bible? The term “prophet” is mentioned many times in Scripture, but what does it mean? In this section, we will explore the definition of a prophet in the Bible, their role in biblical history, and the impact they have had on the faith of believers.

Key Takeaways:

  • A prophet in the Bible is someone who delivers divine messages and insights to the people.
  • Prophets played a crucial role in shaping biblical history and influencing the faith of believers.
  • The messages and visions of biblical prophets contain themes of hope, judgment, and repentance.
  • Various biblical figures possessed prophetic gifts, including Moses, Aaron, and Miriam.
  • Understanding the definition and role of prophets in Scripture can deepen your understanding and appreciation of the Bible.

The Role of Prophets in the Bible

Biblical prophets played a crucial role in the spiritual life of ancient Israelites, conveying the word of God and guiding them in the ways of righteousness. Their significance in delivering divine messages and prophecies is evident throughout Scripture.

The characteristics of a biblical prophet are varied, but they share a common thread of a deep connection with God. Prophets were known for their unwavering faith, prophetic insight, and an ability to communicate God’s message to the people in a way that was both urgent and compelling. They were often unassuming individuals from humble backgrounds who preached and prophesied with great fervor.

The role of prophets in the Bible was multifold. They were intermediaries between God and His people, interpreting and transmitting divine messages to the wider community. Prophets fulfilled many functions in society, from social reformers to political advisors, serving as a conscience for the nation and guiding people towards obedience to God.

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” – Jeremiah 1:5

Biblical prophets were also seers of the future, forecasting events that would come to pass and warning of impending judgment or punishment for disobedience. The prophecies of the biblical prophets continue to be studied and examined by scholars and believers alike, testifying to the enduring influence of these men on religious thought and practice.

Prophets in the Old Testament

The Old Testament of the Bible is rich with stories of prophets who were divinely inspired to deliver messages to the people of ancient Israel. These prophets were chosen by God and were regarded as messengers who spoke on His behalf.

Their names are well-known, and their prophetic utterances have been studied for centuries. Some of the most famous prophets include Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, among many others.

The prophecies these prophets delivered touched on various themes, including social justice, repentance, faithfulness to God, and the coming of the Messiah. They warned the people of impending doom if they persisted in their disobedience, yet they also offered hope, comfort, and assurance of God’s blessings if they turned back to Him.

Isaiah, for instance, prophesied extensively on the coming of the Messiah, foreshadowing Jesus Christ’s birth, life, and mission. Jeremiah, on the other hand, prophesied about the impending Babylonian captivity of Judah due to the nation’s sin, while Ezekiel prophesied about God’s divine restoration of His people.

biblical prophets in the old testament

Indeed, the messages of the prophets in the Old Testament have been cherished by believers throughout history. They serve as an inspiration and a warning to all who seek to obey God and follow His will.

Messages and Visions of Biblical Prophets

Throughout the Bible, prophets played a crucial role in delivering divine messages to the people. Their messages ranged from warnings of impending judgment to promises of hope and restoration. Many of these messages were accompanied by vivid visions that served as a visual representation of the prophecy. Some of the most significant messages and visions of the biblical prophets include:

The Vision of Isaiah

Isaiah’s vision of the Lord sitting on His throne and being surrounded by angels is one of the most famous visions in the Bible. Isaiah sees the Lord high and exalted, with His train filling the temple. The vision emphasizes God’s holiness, and it inspires Isaiah to dedicate himself further to serving the Lord (Isaiah 6:1-8).

The Message of Jeremiah

Jeremiah delivered a message of warning to the people of Israel, urging them to repent of their sins. His message was not well received, and he was often persecuted for speaking the truth. Despite this, Jeremiah continued to faithfully deliver God’s message, providing a vivid example of the role of a prophet in the Bible.

Prophet Message
Isaiah The coming of the Messiah and the restoration of Israel
Jeremiah Warning of the impending destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the people of Israel
Ezekiel The restoration of Israel and the coming of the Messiah

The Vision of Daniel

Daniel’s vision of the four beasts and the little horn is one of the most cryptic and challenging visions in the Bible. In this vision, Daniel sees a series of terrifying beasts that symbolize various kingdoms and empires. The vision ends with the coming of the Messiah, who will establish an eternal kingdom (Daniel 7:1-28).

The messages and visions of the biblical prophets continue to shape the faith of believers around the world. They provide insights into the nature and character of God, offering hope and encouragement to those who seek Him.

Biblical Figures with Prophetic Gifts

While the recognized biblical prophets played vital roles in communicating God’s messages to His people, other individuals received prophetic gifts as well. These figures possessed unique insights and abilities that aligned with the work of the traditional prophets, contributing to the unfolding of God’s divine plan.



Ezekiel was a prophet who received vivid and symbolic visions from God. His messages focused on the importance of repentance, obedience to God’s commands, and the future restoration of Jerusalem and the temple. Ezekiel’s visions included the famous dry bones prophecy, where he spoke of God’s power to revive Israel from their exile and spiritual death.


Deborah was a respected judge in Israel who also possessed prophetic gifts. She boldly fought for justice and guided God’s people in times of crisis. Deborah’s prophetic voice inspired Barak, the army commander, to lead an attack against Israel’s enemies, ensuring a decisive victory for God’s people.


Joseph, son of Jacob, was gifted with prophetic dreams that foretold his future as a powerful leader in Egypt. He also used this gift to interpret the dreams of Pharaoh, predicting a severe famine that would affect the entire region. Joseph’s prophetic insight helped save millions of lives and positioned him as a key figure in the history of Israel.

These biblical figures with prophetic gifts exemplify the diverse ways that God works through individuals to communicate His messages and shape biblical history. Their contributions expand our understanding of the prophetic tradition and emphasize God’s power to work through a variety of people to accomplish His will.


Now that you have delved into the world of biblical prophets, you have gained a deeper understanding of their significance in shaping the course of history. From their role in delivering divine messages to their messages and visions, prophets were critical to the development and growth of the faith of believers.

As you reflect on the characteristics and attributes of biblical prophets, you realize that their messages are still relevant today. The prophetic voice continues to speak to us, challenging us to live a life of faith and calling us to be agents of change in the world.

So, as you continue on your spiritual journey, take heart in the knowledge that the prophets of old are still speaking to us today. Listen for their voices and messages and be open to the transformation they can bring to your life.


What is the definition of a prophet in the Bible?

In the Bible, a prophet is an individual chosen by God to deliver divine messages to His people. They serve as intermediaries between God and humanity, conveying His will, warnings, and predictions.

What is the role of prophets in the Bible?

The role of prophets in the Bible is multifaceted. They act as spiritual leaders, revealing God’s plans and guiding the people in matters of faith and morality. They also serve as agents of change, challenging social injustices and calling for repentance.

What are the characteristics of a biblical prophet?

Biblical prophets possess several distinguishing characteristics. They have a deep spiritual connection with God and are chosen by Him. They demonstrate unwavering faith, courage, and obedience to fulfill their prophetic calling. They often perform miracles, exhibit extraordinary wisdom, and bear witness to the truth.

Which prophets are mentioned in the Old Testament?

The Old Testament of the Bible mentions numerous prophets, including Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and others. Each prophet had a unique message and played a vital role in shaping the ancient Israelites’ understanding of God’s plans and purposes.

What were the messages and visions of biblical prophets?

The messages and visions of biblical prophets varied, but they primarily centered on God’s justice, impending judgment, and future restoration. Prophets also conveyed messages of hope, calling the people to repentance, offering comfort, and foretelling the coming of the Messiah.

Were there individuals in the Bible with prophetic gifts who were not recognized as prophets?

Yes, the Bible also mentions individuals who possessed prophetic gifts but were not recognized as traditional prophets. For example, Moses, Miriam, and Deborah were not designated as prophets, yet they received divine insights and communicated God’s will to the people.

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