Biblical Dominion Explained: Its Meaning & Role

As a Christian, you are likely familiar with the term “dominion”. It is a concept that appears throughout the Bible, and its meaning has been hotly debated for centuries. Dominion is often used to describe humanity’s relationship with the world and its resources.

In this section, we will explore the definition of dominion in the Bible and its significance in Christian theology. We will examine its meaning and role, and how it shapes the views of believers regarding stewardship and authority. Through this exploration, we hope to provide you with a deeper understanding of this complex concept.

Key Takeaways

  • Dominion is a concept that appears throughout the Bible and has been widely debated by theologians.
  • Its meaning is closely linked to humanity’s relationship with the world and its resources.
  • The concept of dominion has significant theological and practical implications for Christians.
  • Understanding biblical teachings on dominion can inform Christian views on stewardship, authority, and responsibility.
  • Embracing biblical teachings on dominion can empower believers to live out their faith with wisdom, humility, and a deep sense of responsibility towards God’s creation.

Understanding Dominion in Scripture

If you want to fully comprehend the concept of dominion and its significance, it’s crucial to examine the biblical teachings on the subject. By exploring dominion in scripture, you can acquire valuable insights into this fundamental biblical concept.

The Bible is replete with passages that introduce and elaborate on the notion of dominion, but one verse stands out in particular. In Genesis 1:26, God says, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Through this statement, God grants humanity dominion over the earth and all its creatures.

While there are various interpretations of the meaning of dominion in Christian theology, the biblical concept of dominion is generally seen as conveying the idea of stewardship and responsibility. Believers are called to exercise wise and careful stewardship over the earth and its resources. This includes protecting the environment, preserving natural habitats, and using resources sustainably.

It’s worth noting that while dominion suggests authority, the biblical view of dominion emphasizes service, rather than domination. In other words, Christians should exercise their authority with kindness, compassion, and humility, recognizing that they are accountable to God for their actions.

“The dominion of Christians over the earth should be like that of a good king over his kingdom,” wrote the influential theologian John Calvin.

By examining these biblical teachings on dominion, we can gain a deeper appreciation of the responsible stewardship that is expected of us as Christians. It’s clear that the concept of dominion has far-reaching implications and requires careful attention and reflection.

dominion in scripture

The Significance of Dominion in Christian Theology

As a concept with deep roots in the Bible, dominion carries significant theological implications in Christian theology. At its core, dominion is viewed as a divinely granted authority to exercise stewardship over the earth and its resources.

According to the biblical view of dominion, humanity was given dominion over the earth by God, with the responsibility to care for it according to His will. This means that dominion is not absolute power over creation but rather a position of responsibility.

Authority and dominion are closely linked in the Bible, as authority is said to come from God, with dominion being the exercise of that authority. The biblical teachings on dominion highlight the importance of responsible exercise of power, with believers called to act as faithful stewards of the earth and its resources.

In essence, dominion is an essential component of the Christian worldview, influencing believers’ views on a wide range of issues, from environmental ethics to social justice. By understanding the biblical meaning and significance of dominion, Christians can better fulfill their calling to be responsible stewards of the earth, using their authority for good.
dominion meaning in the bible

Stewardship and Dominion: A Christian Perspective

As Christians, we are called to exercise responsible dominion over the earth and its resources. The biblical view of dominion is not one of domination or exploitation, but of stewardship. Stewardship involves recognizing that everything we have belongs to God and that we are called to use these resources in ways that honor Him.

The concept of stewardship is rooted in the biblical view of dominion. When God created the earth, He gave human beings the responsibility to care for it and exercise dominion over it. This means that we are called to be good stewards of the earth’s resources, managing them in ways that are sustainable and preserve the integrity of God’s creation.

Stewardship and dominion intersect in Christian environmental ethics. As believers, we are called to protect and care for the planet as part of our responsibility to exercise dominion over it. This involves balancing our use of natural resources with the need to preserve them for future generations and ensuring that we are not causing harm to other living beings or ecosystems in the process.

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” – Psalm 24:1 (NIV)

Applying Stewardship and Dominion in Practice

What does stewardship and dominion look like in practice? It involves making conscious, intentional choices about how we use the resources that God has entrusted to us. This might involve reducing our consumption of single-use plastics, supporting sustainable agriculture practices, or investing in renewable energy.

It also means recognizing that we are part of a larger ecosystem, and that our choices impact not just ourselves, but the entire planet. We must take responsibility for the impact our actions have on the environment, and strive to make choices that reflect our understanding of God’s call to exercise responsible dominion over the earth.

Dominion in Practical Christian Life

As a Christian, understanding the concept of dominion is crucial not just theoretically but also practically. The biblical concept of dominion should guide your everyday actions and decisions. Through exercising responsible dominion, you can fulfill your roles and responsibilities in life as a Christian, stewarding the resources and people around you for God’s glory.

One of the most significant ways you can exercise dominion is in your personal life. This includes taking care of your physical, spiritual, and emotional health. By prioritizing self-care, you ensure you are better equipped to serve others and fulfill your God-given purpose.

Dominion also applies to your relationships with others. Christian love is not passive, but an active pursuit of flourishing relationships that involve forgiveness, respect, and mutual submission. You can exercise dominion in your relationships by striving to promote unity, speak truth in love, and uphold biblical standards of righteousness and justice.

In your community, you can exercise dominion by contributing positively and making a difference where you can. This can include volunteering, supporting charitable organizations, advocating for social justice, or addressing environmental issues. By taking action and being a positive influence, you demonstrate responsible leadership and stewardship.

“And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”” – Genesis 1:28

As Genesis 1:28 highlights, God commanded Adam and Eve to have dominion over the Earth. We are called to carry on this responsibility, fulfilling this mandate with wisdom, love, and a deep respect for all of God’s creation.

By understanding the biblical concept of dominion, you can live a life that honors God, knowing that you are entrusted with the stewardship of His creation. It is not just a theoretical concept, but intrinsically tied to how you make decisions, interact with others, and contribute to the world around you. Always be mindful that true dominion involves bearing witness to the love and compassion of Jesus Christ in all that you do.


Dominion in the Bible is a complex concept that plays a significant role in Christian theology. Understanding its meaning, role, and scriptural foundations can provide insights into how Christians view their stewardship of the earth, exercise authority, and fulfill their responsibilities in the world. By embracing biblical teachings on dominion, you can live out your faith with wisdom, humility, and a deep sense of responsibility towards God’s creation.

Overall, biblical dominion refers to responsible stewardship over the earth and its resources, based on the belief that God has given humans the authority to care for His creation. It is grounded in the biblical concept of dominion, which is the idea that humans are called to exercise wise, just, and responsible rule over the earth and its creatures. In Christian theology, dominion is viewed as a mandate to care for the earth and its inhabitants, while also exercising authority with humility and respect for God’s sovereignty.

Through examining the biblical teachings on dominion, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness between authority, stewardship, and Christian ethics. This understanding can inform our perspectives and actions as we seek to exercise dominion in various contexts, whether in our personal lives or within our communities.

In conclusion, embracing the biblical definition of dominion can help you navigate your responsibilities in the world with wisdom, compassion, and a deep reverence for God’s creation. By living out your faith through the lens of responsible dominion, you can make a positive impact in the world and honor God’s call to care for His creation.


What is the biblical definition of dominion?

The biblical definition of dominion refers to the authority, power, and responsibility given to human beings by God to govern and steward the earth and its resources. It is a concept that emphasizes humanity’s role as caretakers and rulers over creation, under God’s ultimate sovereignty.

How is dominion portrayed in scripture?

Dominion is portrayed in various passages throughout the Bible, including the book of Genesis where God instructs Adam and Eve to have dominion over the earth. Other passages, such as Psalm 8 and Psalm 115, also highlight the grandeur of God’s creation and mankind’s privileged position as God’s representatives on earth.

What is the biblical view of dominion?

The biblical view of dominion emphasizes stewardship and responsibility. While humans are given authority over creation, they are expected to exercise this authority with wisdom, care, and reverence for God’s creation. It is a view that recognizes the value and interconnectedness of all life and promotes responsible and sustainable practices.

How does authority and dominion relate in the Bible?

Authority and dominion are closely related concepts in the Bible. While authority refers to the right to exercise power, dominion encompasses the sphere or scope of that authority. In the biblical context, authority and dominion are both derived from God and are meant to be exercised in accordance with His will and for the purpose of His glory.

What do biblical teachings say about dominion?

Biblical teachings on dominion emphasize the responsibility of humanity to care for and cultivate God’s creation. This includes caring for the environment, respecting the dignity of all human life, and promoting justice and righteousness in society. The teachings also highlight the need for humility and submission to God as the ultimate authority.

How does dominion intersect with Christian theology?

Dominion is a significant aspect of Christian theology as it shapes believers’ understanding of their role in the world and their relationship with God. It informs Christian ethics and environmental stewardship, as well as how believers exercise influence and impact in their various spheres of life, such as family, work, and community.

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